The Skillful Means Of The Present Moment: Expedient Magick

Authors: Sophia and Hanjo & Ananda Purebuddha

Published: 2024-12-08

By Sophia and Hanjo & Ananda Purebuddha

A dakini bodhisattva practicing chaos dharma using expedient magick to fabricate the appropriate forms to the moment.

There are no real truths. Nothing inherently has meaning. Nothing has intrinsic existence. This is the truth of emptiness.

Everything is fabricated in the moment, for that moment, and not for a moment longer.

Our work is Chaos Dharma. In Chaos Dharma, it is recognized that In the interplay of emptiness and fabrication all constructs are expedient magick contingently useful and temporarily true.

What is Chaos Magick?

A chaos magick practitioner leveraging the appropriate systems, symbols and forms to do the most effective magick.

Chaos Magick is the ability to use any system as appropriate to the moment. In the recognition of emptiness, any modality or system is just a functional vessel that allows you to interface with an ineffable underlying reality. There are no fundamentally real systems.

Chaos Dharma is the proposal that the optimal system is a system of no system. A non-dual system attuned to the Dharma, with the fluidity of Chaos Magick. This means fluid adaptation between any form, any system, in any moment, as appropriate to the moment for the purpose of liberating you and all beings from suffering forever.

What is Expedient Means in Buddhism?

Expedient means, also called skillful means (or upāya in sanskrit), is the idea that teachings can only ever point to the ultimate and therefore are given for their utility in freeing people from suffering. Inherent in this idea is that power comes from the effect something has in the moment, and once you have grasped or cling to it, turned it into a dogma or a belief, its power is gone.

For something to be expedient means, it must be appropriate to the moment. The best teaching isn’t the one that resonates universally, but is instead what resonates with the person receiving it and the moment they are receiving it in.

“Whatever I say, it is all temporary medicine in response to a disease.”

There are infinite sicknesses, each with their own specific medicine. Expedient means recognize the appropriate medicine for the sickness of the moment. There is no universal dharma, universal method, or universal teaching.

All Buddhas of the past have attuned to this principle. Expedient Magick is the recognition that the attunement to this principle is a mirror of how reality itself is constructing each present moment.

From Expedient Means To Expedient Magick

The principles of Buddhism applied in the present moment to allow the forms that resonate with your soul to appear more clearly.

Knowing expedient means is recognizing the communication of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is natural response appropriate to the moment, empty of intrinsic existence or truth.

Knowing expedient magic is the transcendent shift to knowing that every moment is magically created for the purpose of your own liberation. The Mind is Buddha, the very Mind that is reading this, and that Buddha-Mind is using the expedient magick of creating reality for itself to recognize itself through this present moment.

We can understand that everything is expedient magick, mirroring our karma to lead us to liberation. For example, using samsara itself as a means of liberation to attain enlightenment is the expedient magick of the Dharma (the teachings of the Buddha). The historical Buddha appearing in human form is expedient magick to translate a cosmic dharma into a form that the earth field can understand.

Teaching With Expedient Magick

In Expedient Magick, we allow the mirror of karma that appears in the present moment to be our resonant vessel for purification for that karma. When teaching others, this means being a Bodhisattva Magician, allowing the flowthrough of magickal acts that resonate most deeply with their karmic roots, and appearing in the form that they are most able to receive.

What is Karma?

For innumerable aeons, an infinity of infinities, our soul across incarnations has been operating under the assumption of inherent existence in reality. It has been considering itself an entity, other things to be beings, and has been using our moment to moment experience to find satisfaction for itself inside of a permanent, seemingly stable reality. Karma is the expression of this legacy through the present moment experience of samsara.

All karma, moment to moment experience, can be traced back to karmic roots. These karmic roots can be interfaced with through subtle energy body imprints, energetic structures that contain the entire legacy of karma acting as a block inside of the energy body. By observing these energy body structures clearly, they can dissolve, eliminating the karmic root and ensuring we never make the same mistaken assumption again about reality.

For example, one might experience a charged emotion in the experience of being betrayed by someone we had considered a friend. Inside of this emotion and experience, we are experiencing every moment that this has ever happened to us across all our lives. It is acting as a mirror to the karmic root. By feeling it fully, and tapping into the energetic structure in our subtle body, we can purify the karma so that the next time this experience happens we are fully in the present moment, without being pulled into the emotional experience without control.

What Is Reality? Everything Is Expedient Magick

Expedient Magick is the recognition that the present moment is a mirror reflection of our karma, created over innumerable aeons. These karmic roots express themselves in a way that illuminates their entire structure. In the recognition of this mirror phenomena, we attune ourselves to cessate being beguiled by the seeming relationship of forms to the moment and instead recognize that these are the roots of our reality begging for dismemberment and dissolution.

Everything is a momentary expression of the infinite magical creative non-dual source mind. Reality itself is a construct designed to bring itself into self-recognition of this truth. When we attune ourselves to this principle, our experience comes into clarity as the appropriate expression to the moment for us to move along the path to complete liberation free from suffering. This is the recognition of everything existing as expedient magic. The most appropriate teaching for us to receive in the moment is always created as our present moment experience right now.

How To Use Anything & Everything To Liberate Yourself

Purifying and clearing your karma.

All forms created are empty of intrinsic existence, none of them hold inside of them a characteristic that can be determined as ‘truth’. There are no truths, no stable realities, nothing to grasp to or cling to anywhere in experience. Everything only exists as a transient projection of the mind using our karma. Our karma has been generated from innumerable lifetimes of delusionally doing the same thing: building a sense of inherent existence, and the idea of a self, where there is none.

One way to work with the fundamental principle of expedient magick is to never investigate the intrinsic or fundamental 'truth' or 'reality' of something and instead to work with the meaning vessel story that resonates with the energetic imprint in the subtle body and the karmic roots from innumerable lifetimes.

You can always trace a thought back to sensations in the body, energy in the subtle body, and ultimately a karmic root. Once you witness these karmic roots and these subtle energy body imprints with absolute clarity and non-attachment, they will naturally be dissolved eternally, never to arise again. This recognition can flow in every moment of experience. The flow of this recognition in the moment is the application of expedient magick.

How To Purify Your Karma With Expedient Magick

When triggers, emotions, things to work on are arising, we can sometimes have a question of how true or real it all is. Do we really have a feeling of betrayal from a past life? Or are we just fooling ourselves? The Chaos Dharma approach is to dig in as if it's real until you've exhausted that karma and it stops arising. Once you’ve used what’s arising, no matter what it was, to release the karmic root origins, then you let it go. This is operating in union with the essence of reality inside of our chaos magick framework of no framework, allowing the most throughput of karma per moment without attaching to any forms.

On the most subtle level, when we attune to this principle, every moment is literally magickally created as the direct vehicle into a fully liberated consciousness. A bridge method to attune closer to this reality is that we can recognize that the impulses, feelings, inherent existences, and senses of self, any arisings in the moment are expressions of karmic roots. The intense feelings, the sense of ‘charge’ inside of an experience, and any level of trigger is the indicator that there is a feeling of inherent existence created from innumerable lifetimes. These karmic roots can be traced back and liberated from our soul.

When we attune deeply to our own present moment experience, it becomes clear that every moment is a mirror of these karmic roots. When we are getting used to the idea that every arising is a karmic mirror, we can open a space of inquiry into our arisings and feel where they are in our subtle body. We can harvest information on our present life, our past lives, and the way we have been entangled in these patterns. We can use any arising to relieve ourselves of the charge associated with that temporary projection, and recognize that it was born from a karmic root. When we become fluent in The Crystallization Culture Method, these karmic roots are immediately identified using the arisings, emotion, charge and influence on our moment as the signal, path and vehicle into that recognition, and we allow that clear recognition to dissolve the subtle energy body imprint and the karmic root it originated from effortlessly.

This dissolution is the gradual work of purifying our mind of karma, allowing it to be the open expanse of liberation that it inherently is, free from the projection of past experience.

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